
What kind of massage do you do?
I give massages that are customized to your needs. My work is typically slow-paced with a deeper pressure. If you are an athlete who uses rotational movements (tennis, golf, baseball, paddle boarding), we can work on particular sets of muscles so that you are moving more efficiently. If you are a desk worker, we can help open up your shoulders and ease tension in your neck and scalp. If you are coming back from a surgery or injury, we can address compensatory pain by working the soft tissue of the surrounding areas.

Do I have to take all my clothes off?
That is up to you and your comfort level. Regardless of your level of comfort with disrobing, I will have you under a sheet, securely draped. I will only remove the drape from the body part on which I am working.

The last person who massaged me made it hurt. Can you make it hurt?
No. With any deep tissue massage there is some inevitable release and slight discomfort. But beyond that, it is not my intention to apply a depth of pressure that causes any kind of bruising, cringing, or scream-inducing searing pain. If that is what you are seeking, your needs may be better met with another professional. 

Can you diagnose what is wrong with me?
I do not give medical diagnoses. What I can do is help you identify pain patterns. For example, we can look into how your lifestyle is contributing to pain, or where muscles may be overactive and pulling you into discomfort. If you would like to know how to retain the results from our work, I may give you some anatomy information and tips on how to roll out your muscles. If you've been having any lingering concern, I may recommend you see your doctor.

Can we talk during the session?
Sure we can. Feel free to ask me what I'm doing or what muscle I'm working on if you're curious. However, I recommend using the massage to have some quiet time for yourself. It's an opportunity to relax your mind and focus on your body awareness.

It hurts/ I'm cold/ I'm uncomfortable etc.
Feel free to ask me to change pressure, modify the temperature of the environment, etc. so that you're comfortable. I can change the positioning of the ankle prop, knee prop and headrest. I can get you a pillow or prop your shoulders up as well until you're comfortable. Please let me know if you have concerns for lying face down.

I just had surgery/ I am sick/ hung over/ injured etc.
Please stay home and recover. Seek medical help if necessary. Ask your doctor when you will be medically cleared to receive massage.

You want to see my MRI results?
Sure! You're welcome to share any imaging interpretations or diagnoses as you're comfortable. If it's regarding musculoskeletal issues, it will better inform our work.

Do you take insurance?
No. If you want to use your FSA or HSA funds, please request an itemized receipt.

Do you do house calls?
No. The best way to receive a session is to make an appointment to visit the office.